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grade 4grade 4 - video

Grade 4 - Video Lesson - Water Cycle

Educational video for children to introduce them with water cycle and its phases, including evaporation, condensation, precipitation etc.
Water is the most important component of our ecosystem. All living things need water to grow and survive. About 71% of the Earth is covered by water and 29% by land.

Water is present in different forms on the Earth. Some as snow and glaciers at the top of the mountains. Some in lakes, streams and rivers. Some water is underground or in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor. But most of the water on Earth is present in the oceans.

Water is always on the move. It can be a liquid (water), a gas (water vapor) or a solid(ice).

Water cycle is also known as the hydrological cycle or the hydro logic cycle. When sun heats up the water in water bodies like rivers, seas or oceans, it turns into gas called water vapor. This process is called evaporation.

The water vapor then rises up high into the sky, it cools and turns back into a liquid, forming clouds. This process is called “condensation“.

Water droplets in clouds then grow and combine.  When they become too big and heavy for the air to hold them.They fall on the ground as rain. This process is called precipitation.

The rain then collected in the water bodies and eventually evaporates back into the atmosphere.This is how water cycle goes on and on.

Do plants sweat?

Well, sort of....  People perspire (sweat) and plants transpire. Transpiration is the process by which plants lose water out of their leaves. Transpiration gives evaporation a bit of a hand in getting the water vapor back up into the air.

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